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Biblioteket meddelar: Obs. Samlingen minskar. Huom. Kokoelma pienenee
Omslagsbild för The Ice People 18 - Behind The Facade
Isbn: 978-87-7107-536-6
Förlag: Jentas
Romaner Fantasy & SF Historia Engelskspråkiga
Tillgänglig sedan: november 2017


The Ice People 18 - Behind The Facade

Elisabet Paladin had the courage of her convictions and will not allow herself to be influenced by her mother’s constant talk of influential families and a rich husband. No man had succeeded in awakening her interest, no man that is until she meets Vemund Tark; however, when Vemund comes to talk to her parents about marriage, he was not making a proposal for himself, but on behalf of his younger brother..

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