E-books / 9-12 years
SHORT STORIES A FOSTER FAMILY Escape Plans (new version)
Rickard and Sten have a lot to talk about with each other and it feels good to be together again. However, soon they will be forced to leave each other again, to go to a permanent ...
SHORT STORIES A FOSTER FAMILY Surprise (new version)
Once again, Sten is depressed and sad when his friend Rickard is leaving him to travel to his new permanent family home. Although Rickard is happy to go to a new family home. And t ...
SHORT STORIES A FOSTER FAMILY Abandoned Again (new version)
Sten feels abandoned again, and now by the emergency foster parents. Because now he will be forced to go to his new foster home in Stockholm. And the permanent foster parents will ...
SHORT STORIES A FOSTER FAMILY Abandoned (new version)
When Sten has just gotten through and survived his grandmother’s funeral, the next problem appears. He no longer feels seen, and it’s as if he has been abandoned. He doesn’t unders ...
Before the funeral, Sten feels very mentally ill. And he hasn’t slept at all for three nights. How will he be able to say goodbye to his dead grandmother? And will he dare to go to ...
When Rickard has moved on to his new permanent foster parents, Sten feels betrayed – and again. First his grandmother, then his mother, his best friend Amir, and now also his new f ...
SHORT STORIES A FOSTER FAMILY Troubled Times (new version)
The catastrophe of his grandmother dying, his mother becoming more crazy, him having to move to a foster home, and him losing contact with his best friend, Amir, creates a grinding ...
SHORT STORIES A FOSTER FAMILY Foster Family (new version)
How do you move on when life has collapsed like a house of cards? And Sten has to go to his new foster family. But what if they aren’t kind, over there? And how will he cope with t ...
SHORT STORIES A FOSTER FAMILY The Life Collapses (new version)
Sten’s whole life falls apart when disaster strikes. Today, his mother doesn’t pick him up from the recreation school, as planned. The recreation teacher takes him home, and they f ...
AMIR Foster Family (new version)
This book's pictures, in a slightly larger format + 1972 extra pictures, can be downloaded for free use atwww.panen.se.Ten years old Sten’s whole life falls apart when the disaster ...
Fylla moppe!Femtonårsdagen är den stora dagen! Då får du ta moppekort, dra på hjälmen och ge dig ut på vägarna. Men vilken moppe är bäst? Och vilka regler gäller på vägen? För 17-å ...
De försvunna
Varje år försvinner någon när glasfisket börjar. Xen ogillade den iskalla ön redan innan dess mörka hemlighet avslöjades. Men hen är van vid att flytta runt. Börja i ny klass. Med ...
Kändiscrush eller krossade drömmar?Wilma bara ÄLSKAR kändisen Wille! Därför är det helt sjukt när han svarar på hennes meddelande. Från ett privat konto skriver han att han tycker ...
Vilda västern
Bella Bandit försöker döda Gamer i ett Vilda Västern-spel. Gamer är chanslös mot Bellas livsfarliga piskor och vassa sågbladshattar. Han måste hitta ett sätt att bli en lika tuff b ...
Connie och den farliga Amerikaresan
Ensam och föräldralös reser Connie över havet mot Amerika. Året är 1620 och hon söker efter ett bättre liv på en plats där alla drömmar kan gå i uppfyllelse. Till och med för en fl ...
SHORT STORIES A BULLIES Hunted Again (new version)
This book's pictures, in a slightly larger format + 905 extra pictures, can be downloaded for free use at www.panen.se.The mobs chase Amir and he runs for his life. He escapes and ...
SHORT STORIES A BULLIES Continued Bullying (new version)
This book's pictures, in a slightly larger format + 905 extra pictures, can be downloaded for free use at www.panen.se.After Sten has to move to foster parents, Amir becomes the lo ...
This book's pictures, in a slightly larger format + 905 extra pictures, can be downloaded for free use at www.panen.se. A mean boy in the class starts boxing Sten and Amir in the s ...
SHORT STORIES A BULLIES The Worst Bullying (new version)
This book's pictures, in a slightly larger format + 905 extra pictures, can be downloaded for free use at www.panen.se. Previously, Amir’s best friend, Sten, had to move home to fo ...
SHORT STORIES A BULLIES Hunted (new version)
This book's pictures, in a slightly larger format + 905 extra pictures, can be downloaded for free use at www.panen.se.Amir, age eleven, is chased through several residential areas ...
Tossiga Tingest Prytteln - tar världen med storm
Ängla Aprilia är en modig och egensinnig tjej vars liv förändras drastiskt, när hon av en slump ramlar in i den mystiska butiken Tokiga Tossigare Ting. Där möter hon Madame Marsipa ...
Fia plus alla älskar nån
Jullovet är slut och i skolan står danslektion på schemat. Det är läraren som avgör vem som ska dansa med vem, men innerst inne hoppas Fia på att få dansa med Måns. Hon skulle gärn ...
AMIR Bullies (new version)
This book's pictures, in a slightly larger format + 905 extra pictures, can be downloaded for free use at www.panen.se.Amir, age eleven, is chased by older bullies. This terror has ...
Itsenäinen tyttö
Prätinälle ei ryppyillä! Tomeran koulutytön seikkailuja 1930-luvulla.13-vuotias Kristiina – tai kuten kaikki hänet tuntevat, Prätinä – on perheensä ainoa lapsi ja tuntee olonsa väh ...
Annamari ja metsän kätkö
Metsän suuri salaisuus järisyttää Annamarin maailmaa.Annamari pääsee läpi oppikoulun pääsykokeesta ja hänestä tulee Hulkkosten perheen ensimmäinen oppikoululainen – miten mahtava u ...